NAESP Issues Statement on President’s FY21 Budget

NAESP has significant concerns with the President’s FY21 Budget, which would shortchange schools and undercut principals’ capacity to serve all students.

Statement from NAESP Executive Director Dr. L. Earl Franks, CAE, on the Release of the President’s FY21 Budget:

“NAESP has significant concerns with the President’s FY21 Budget, which would shortchange schools and undercut principals’ capacity to serve all students. The proposal would cut funding to the Department of Education by 8 percent and would consolidate 29 federal K-12 programs into a single block grant, forcing schools to compete for fewer funds. Principals are on the frontlines and see firsthand everyday how federal education funding bolsters student achievement, helps ensure safe and welcoming learning environments, and supports principal and teacher professional development. Thus, any effort that reduces investments in schools and makes it harder for principals to do their jobs is a non-starter.

Now more than ever, Washington needs to increase funding for K-12 schools across the country. NAESP calls on Congress to pass an FY21 budget that bolsters investments in critical programs like Title I, Title II-A, Title IV, IDEA, school-based mental health services, and supports for principals to lead high-quality learning communities that serve all students.”