Dive into Digital Learning Day with Top Tech Articles

Communicator January 2014, Volume 37, Issue 5 Join NAESP, more than 50 national organizations, 45 states plus the District of Columbia, and over 17,000 educators to celebrate Digital Learning Day on Wednesday, February 5, 2014.

January 2014, Volume 37, Issue 5

Join NAESP, more than 50 national organizations, 45 states plus the District of Columbia, and over 17,000 educators to celebrate Digital Learning Day on Wednesday, February 5, 2014.

Digital Learning Day is a nationwide celebration of innovative teaching and learning through digital media and technology that engages students and provides them with a rich, personalized, educational experience. Across the nation, students, parents, and educators will be celebrating and engaging in digital learning activities.

Ways to Participate

There are countless ways that principals can participate in Digital Learning Day, such as organizing an assembly highlighting digital learning in the classroom, or inviting a local businessperson to talk about new skills needed to succeed. Visit www.DigitialLearningDay.org to first take the pledge to make a difference with digital learning in your school. Then, explore the event calendar, lesson plans, toolkits, and videos on digital learning.

Top Tech Articles

To get into a digital mindset, peruse these top articles from Principal magazine on technology issues:

“Safe Digital Citizenship” (November/December 2013).New technology offers students new opportunities for learning, but it sometimes creates new hazards for them to encounter. Sandra A. Trach offers tips on how principals can ensure their students’ digital learning is both safe and responsible.

“A Technology Enabled Journey” (January/February 2012). Innovative new education tools can sometimes be challenging to integrate into a school’s existing curriculum. Pamela Albert Devine shares the story of her school’s own journey towards meaningful tech integration.

“Flipped Classrooms 101” (September/October 2012). Flipping classrooms offers a new approach to how learning takes place during and outside of school. Jerry Overmyer offers a brief overview of the flipped classroom model and ways to implement it at your school.

“Putting a FACE on a School” (March/April 2013). Family engagement is crucial for creating a successful school, which is why principals should use the best tools at their disposal to connect with families. Joe Mazza shows you how you can use social media, custom websites, and apps to increase and sustain engagement with parents.

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