Expand Options for Students

Strategies to highlight public school programs and help students succeed.

September 2017, Volume 41, Issue 1

Within today’s dialogue about public education, school choice supporters argue that public schools take a “one-size fits all approach” and don’t provide enough options. The Center for Public Education takes up this issue in its new report, Busting the Myth of ‘One Size Fits All’ Public Education, contending that “most public school districts already offer a wide range choices to their students.”

The report lists the following reflection questions school leaders who want to expand options for students, or improve on what they already have:

  • What choices do you offer students now?
  • Is there equitable access to all programs?
  • Do you have a communications plan in place to inform students and parents about the choices you offer?
  • Are there local colleges and businesses with whom you can partner to provide college and career-related learning opportunities?
  • Do you have sufficient resources—including teachers, counselors and technology—to expand program choices?
  • Do you have a data system that enables teachers, counselors, parents and students to personalize learning experiences and monitor individual progress?
  • How will you hold yourselves accountable for providing choices that serve students’ interests and needs while assuring every student is meeting state academic standards?

NAESP dives deep into the opportunities for deeper learning that public schools offer in the September/October edition of Principal magazine. Be on the lookout for #PrincipalMag to hit your mailboxes soon! Until then, enjoy the link to view the digital version.

This study was written by Patte Barth, director, and Chandi Wagner, former research analyst for the Center for Public Education.


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