Social Media as an Advocacy Tool

Learn how you can use a single tweet to advocate for your school and community.

By Danny Carlson
April 2018, Volume 41, Issue 8

When used effectively, social media can be a powerful advocacy tool to reach desired policy outcomes. A single tweet can raise attention to an important cause. A Facebook post can mobilize one’s social network to mobilize and take action. Using just a smartphone, an advocate can engage with thousands of strangers over live video. At their core, social media platforms are engagement and amplification tools that expand individuals’ ability to reach broader audiences. But, what are the most effective ways principals can use social media to influence policy? How should principals use social media platforms to directly engage with their elected leaders? Are certain platforms more effective than others? What are creative things you can do to ensure that your message breaks through the noise on Capitol Hill and actually reaches your Member of Congress? As part of its partnership with the Congressional Management Foundation, NAESP is offering the below webinar and training video focused on high-impact social media strategies that inform, inspire, and influence the policy discussions around principals.

Webinar: “Reveal of New Social Media Research”

In 2017, CMF partnered with The National Journal to update CMF’s 2014 survey of congressional Legislative Directors and Communications Directors. In this webinar, the Congressional Management Foundation reveals new findings about how congressional use of social media has evolved and strategies that advocates should use to engage Members of Congress using social media platforms.

Danny Carlson is NAESP’s assistant executive director of policy & advocacy.


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