
Principal Supplement: Principal Practices May/June 2018

Principal Supplement: Principal Practices
May/June 2018

Research and Reports

Building Principal Pipelines: A Job That Urban Districts Can Do
In the quest to ensure that all schools have lead­ers who focus on improving instruction, this guide sheds light on how school districts can build a pipeline of effective school principals.

Elevating School Leadership in ESSA Plans: A Guide for States
This guide offers ways to leverage new ESSA opportunities as a way to invest in school leadership.

How Leadership Influences Student Learning
This report suggests that, to improve schools and student success, there should be a focus not only on teachers, but also on principals and administrators.

Leading Change Handbook: Concepts and Tools
This guide offers seven tools to help school leaders succeed when attempting to introduce change or innovation.

Logic Models for Selecting, Designing, and Implementing Evidence-Based School Leadership Interventions
This guide explains how ESSA-required logic models work and can be applied to school leadership interventions.

The Principal Pipeline Podcast: Practitioners Share Lessons From the Field
This podcast series features conversations with principals, district and state leaders, and university officials who have developed strong principal pipelines.

The School Principal as Leader: Guiding Schools to Better Teaching and Learning
This Wallace Perspective is a summary of a decade of research, identifying what effective school principals do and describing five key prac­tices that are characteristic of those leaders.

State Efforts to Strengthen School Leadership: Insights From CCSSO Action Groups
In this study of states that were part of an effort to boost school leadership, improving on-the-job supports for principals was found to be the most common school leadership priority.


Center for Applied Research & Educational Improvement
CAREI is a research center at the University of Minnesota that strives to improve the quality of education for all learners, and for society as a whole.

Center for Educational Leadership
The University of Washington CEL is a proponent of effective instruction—for teachers and school and district leaders—as a means to help close the achievement gap.

Council of Chief State School Officers
CCSSO is a nonprofit that ensures students grad­uate from the public education system prepared for what’s next, and it believes that effective teachers and leaders are the building blocks of student achievement.

National Association of Elementary School Principals
This professional association leads in the advo­cacy and support of elementary and middle-level principals and other education leaders in their commitment for all children.

The RAND Corporation
This nonprofit research organization develops solutions to public policy challenges, such as education, and it offers reports and research tools about principalship.

U.S. Department of Education
As the go-to source for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the U.S. Department of Education offers a section detailing various aspects of the law and related updates and resources.

The Wallace Foundation
The Wallace Foundation seeks to improve learning and enrichment for disadvantaged children and promote the arts to all. Its Knowledge Center offers school leadership resources and reports to help guide principal leaders in their careers.