Memory Mission 2012 Announced

Conference News Online March 2012 During the Opening General Session, NAESP Foundation and Lifetouch announced the 2012 Lifetouch Memory Mission® to the Dominican Republic as a video from the 2011 experience played.

Conference News Online
March 2012

During the Opening General Session, NAESP Foundation and Lifetouch announced the 2012 Lifetouch Memory Mission® to the Dominican Republic as a video from the 2011 experience played.

Ten NAESP members, along with members from the National Association of Secondary School Principals and the American Association of School Administrators, will be selected to join Lifetouch employees on a Memory Mission to Constanza, Dominican Republic, to help build a school and provide family portraiture.

A longstanding corporate initiative, Lifetouch Memory Missions bring hope to communities through building relationships, construction projects, and gifts of portraiture. The 2012 Lifetouch Memory Mission is coordinated by World Servants, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

The Memory Mission dates are Dec. 4-Dec. 11, 2012. This opportunity is open to all NAESP members in good standing who are residents of the United States or Canada.

Fundraising is essential to the success of a Lifetouch Memory Mission. Participants are expected to raise funds for the mission—a total of $2,800—to help pay for airfare, meals, lodging, program costs, and construction materials.

Applications must be received by 5 p.m. Central time on Aug. 15. By Aug. 31, NAESP will hold a random drawing for the volunteers along with an equal number of alternates. Winners and alternates whose names are drawn will be notified by telephone and/or e-mail by Aug. 31. The odds of being selected depend on the number of applicants.

In the December 2011 Communicator, NAESP President Rob Monson described his experience on the 2011 Memory Mission trip: “The Memory Mission and the people of Costanza gave me a unique opportunity to express on a global level the reasons I became an educator in the first place: a spirit of service, a deep commitment to young people, and an unshakable belief in education as the only permanent solution to poverty.”