Roy Wood

With the student demographics at Livingston Elementary School’s shifting rapidly, Mike Wood has spent his 4 years as principal there focusing on strengthening and aligning curricula, instituting a culture of shared responsibility to ensure maximum student success, and enhancing intervention and enrichment opportunities. Wood’s leadership has helped make Livingston Elementary one of the highest-performing elementary schools in the state. Having served as principal at three schools over a period of 19 years, Wood is known as much for his ability to transform struggling schools into high performing ones as for his student-centered focus and commitment to making his school a warm and welcoming place. Wood focuses on ensuring high standards by embedding MTSS and PLCs into the foundation of the school. Staff teams monitor student learning, assess interventions, and construct formative assessments. The result is data-driven success with high staff morale and high student performance. Wood believes that students work best when families are actively involved, and to that end, he has encouraged staff to cultivate relationships with student families. Parent volunteer participation is high, and Wood has ensured that there are multiple avenues for parents to contribute, from traditional in-class volunteering to helping with the massive student-painted murals that now beautify Livingston’s hallways. Wood holds a B.A. in Elementary Education and an M.A. in Educational Leadership from the University of Wyoming.