Becky Neubert

While most teachers naturally see their principal as a boss, one teacher at Central Elementary
School (CES) says of Principal Becky Neubert that she is “lucky to call my principal a colleague
and a friend, as we work together for our kids.” This collaborative spirit is the core of Neubert’s
leadership style, which she has developed over the course of nine years of administrative service
and multiple years of classroom teaching experience. As Principal of CES, Neubert applies her
experience as a professional data coach and the leader of the University of Virginia Turnaround
Leadership Team to build data-driven leadership and collaboration in her staff. By instituting
reflection and planning cycles that encourage teachers to share best practices as they implement
adaptive supports, Neubert has guided CES in increasing expectations about the school’s ability
to perform, leading to the school’s naming as a Delaware Recognition School in 2016. Guided
by the mantra that #RelationshipsMatter, Neubert has cultivated trust and mutuality through
devoted relationship building, facilitating the smooth transition from four elementary schools to
one, thriving school community. Her supervisor describes her as someone who is “committed to
social justice and advocates for every student and family who are part of our Seaford community
regardless of the school that they attend.” Principal Neubert holds an M.Ed. in School
Leadership and a B.A. in Middle Level Education from Wilmington University