Encouraging Parent Involvement – Without Straining The Budget

A 10% increase in parental participation – a form of social capital – would increase academic achievement far more than a 10% increase in school spending. This is not an argument against school budget increases, but an argument for paying attention to social capital. Research repeatedly correlates family engagement with student achievement, yet this strategy is […]

Topics: School Budget, Family and Stakeholder Engagement, Principal Pipeline, Professional Learning, School Culture and Climate, School Management

A 10% increase in parental participation – a form of social capital – would increase academic achievement far more than a 10% increase in school spending. This is not an argument against school budget increases, but an argument for paying attention to social capital. Research repeatedly correlates family engagement with student achievement, yet this strategy is rarely activated.  Project Appleseed’s Kevin Walker can show you and your school community how to encourage parent Involvement – without straining the budget.
