Fresh From the Field: Wellness Goals For 2021

As we go into the New Year, how are you going to foster wellness for yourself? Here’s what your principal peers are saying.

Topics: Mental Health and Safety, Professional Development

“2021 will continue to require a lot of us as school leaders. I understand that my own wellness needs to be a high priority if I am going to continue to give my best self to my students, families, and staff. One focus for the New Year is going to be on mindfulness. I hope to incorporate daily mindfulness practice as a way to connect my body and my mind, to be centered, and as a means to deal with the demands of the role of principal.”—Rachel Roberts, @robertsleads, Florida

“I have a stop/start relationship with journal writing. I plan to be more consistent and work to make it part of my daily habits.”—Lyn Marsilio, @LynMarsilio, Virginia

“I will continue to honor my personal time with family as a means to foster wellness for myself. I am learning to set boundaries for my professional life to allow a focus on health, fitness, and spiritual and emotional growth.”—Rhonda Rhodes, @RhondaRRhodes, South Carolina

“Continue walking and reading for joy.”—Dilhani Uswatte, @DilUswatte, Alabama

“My wellness goal rests on the notion of taking care of myself so I can continue to take care of others. Using my Peloton is a great way to de-stress and stay fit.”—Shanna Spickard, @sspickard, Michigan

“I am going to make sure that I schedule time for my family and friends each week so that I can maintain work-life balance. Connecting with others is a great stress reliever for me!”—Amy Mason, @AMasonPrincipal, Alabama

“Showing gratitude and being grateful for all that I have and am able to accomplish daily.”—Leah Bessette, @PrincipalLCB, Rhode Island