Bulletin Board: Strengthen

A new resource for new principals, middle-level meetups, and equity webinar recordings.

New Resource for New Principals

NAESP has launched a new digital newsletter, New Principal Navigator, to help principals new to the principalship—as the title suggests—navigate their first years in the role. The new bulletin features thought leadership, useful resources and events, and strategies and tips from peers to help new leaders succeed. Look for it in your inbox.

Middle-Level Meetups

The NAESP Centers for Advancing Leadership include a center dedicated to helping middle-level administrators boost their leadership skills and connecting them with others in the role, so that they have a support network in place as they manage middle-level principalships.

New from the NAESP Center for Middle-Level Leadership is Middle-Level Meetups, held every other month via Zoom. In a time when connecting with others who understand the unique challenges school administrators face is so important, Middle-Level Meetups offer leaders an opportunity to grow their professional networks and learn strategies to implement in their schools from their peers.

The next meetups will take place Feb. 3, April 7, and June 2. Register at naesp.org/events.

Bonus: Looking for more middle-level resources? Check out the Middle-Level Leadership Matters blog series on the NAESP website (naesp.org/blog) for strategies and tips on leading middle schools.

From the Webinar Archives

Learn equity-focused strategies to define priorities in this webinar led by the NAESP National Task Force on Race and Equity. The archived webinar addresses culturally responsive leadership strategies, unconscious bias, conducting a schoolwide equity audit, and improving school climate by engaging teachers, staff, students, and families. Watch “Pivot and Reset With an Equity Lens” at naesp.org/resource/webinar-pivot-and-reset-with-an-equity-lens.

Equity Watch: Taking a Stand on Curriculum

“There were certain things in the curriculum that did not relate to the cultures in my building. As a group, teachers reviewed the curriculum and were able to identify some of the disparities. We got input from the staff. We went so far as getting input from students, as well as from parents. One of the things we were addressing was the classroom library and what some of the books were that needed to be there to reflect the cultures of the building.

“It does take time. There was a lot of research within our own school, being transparent, and reflecting honestly with the school community that there must be a change. We had to change our reading curriculum. Were a lot of people happy with that? No. But as a school, you have to stand up and explain and have those uncomfortable conversations. It’s not just one time; it’s constantly. And most important: Reflect all the time.” —Liza Caraballo-Suarez, principal, Magnet School of Architecture, Engineering, and Design, P.S. 120, Brooklyn,


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