Bulletin Board: Advocate

Advocacy in action, Title II, and partisanship's impact on teachers shortages.

Topics: Advocacy and Legislation

Advocacy in Action

The annual National Leaders Conference—held in Washington, D.C., Feb. 27–March 2—gave NAESP members the opportunity to have a firsthand role in shaping the association’s strategic advocacy and policy priorities as they engaged with top education and policy thought leaders, legislators, and their staffs on Capitol Hill.

This year, NAESP prioritized the issues affecting schools and the principal profession:

  • The evolution of pandemic leadership: Attendees took a timely look at the impact the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have on schools and what education might look like in the long term.
  • The future of the principal profession: Based on NAESP’s Leaders We Need Now research series, the lead researcher, Matt Clifford, took a deep dive into how the profession has shifted because of the pandemic, social injustice, and new demands to address inequity.
  • School finance and funding: Edunomics Lab’s Jessica Swanson offered insights into how to effectively use federal relief funding in schools, how to prioritize funds to ensure that schools are set up for success for years to come, and why principals need a seat at the table when discussing how this money is spent.
  • Making schools more equitable: The pandemic brought to light inequities that have existed for generations that can no longer be ignored.

As a school leader, your voice in these important priorities is more vital than ever in advocating for your schools, students, and profession. Learn more and find out how you can take action at naesp.org/advocacy.

All You Need to Know About Title II

Do you have questions about Title II? Get them answered at Learning Forward’s new Powered by Title II website. Over the past several years, the Learning Forward community has come together to raise awareness about the importance of Title II, collect and share data about the impact of high-quality professional learning, and strengthen educators’ advocacy skills. The website is designed to provide:

  • Background facts and data on Title II (the largest source of federal funding for professional learning);
  • Tools to advance your professional learning advocacy efforts;
  • The latest federal updates; and
  • Links to research outlining the impact of high-quality professional learning.

Use the Powered by Title II website to raise awareness of the importance of Title II in your own community and to develop your personal advocacy plan: poweredbytitleii.com.

Survey: Partisanship Impacting Teacher Shortages

A recent public opinion poll conducted by independent research firm SurveyUSA shows that the onslaught of partisan political attacks against educators is threatening to push many people out of the profession and worsen the nation’s teacher shortage. Among the findings in the 2021 national teacher survey:

37% of teachers say a push for laws that prevent honest teaching and conversations in their classrooms would make them more likely to leave teaching at the end of this school year.

92% say students should be able to learn about historical truths, even when they are uncomfortable.

94% say schools should ensure that no students feel unsafe, invisible, or unheard.

Read more about the teacher survey and the impact that political attacks on public schools are having on students: stand.org/teachersurvey.


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