Hiring and Placing

Your school needs “gruntled” people, and hiring is the place to start. Learn the interview questions that uncover the people with sunny dispositions, plus the keys to making hiring a team effort. It’s all in the fifth entry in our “Here’s How” series.

Topics: Early Career Principals, Teacher Effectiveness

The new principal inherits a team but, before long, gets to reshape that team through hiring. In fact, the first step in developing capacity is recruiting, hiring, supporting, developing, and retaining effective and caring teachers, forming them into “an educationally effective faculty,” advises Standard 6 of the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. Each hire is an act of leading learning, equipping the principal to fill classrooms with teachers effective at increasing student learning and fitting into a school culture of collaboration and improvement, notes NAESP’s Leading Learning Communities: Pillars, Practices, and Priorities of Effective Principals.