Trust and Inspire: A New Dawn of Leadership

Session notes from “Trust and Inspire: A New Dawn of Leadership,” led by Muriel Summers.

What were the speaker’s main messages?

  • The world has changed. Our style of leadership may still operate from an Industrial Age of leadership and a Command and Control style of leadership. For instance, “I say this and you do that.” Five emerging forces have caused a change in leadership: nature of the world, nature of the work, nature of the workplace, nature of the workforce, and nature of choice.
  • What is the alternative? Trust and inspire, which means managing things and leading people, transformational, belonging and inclusion, organic, growth mindset, and inspiration.
  • Three stewardships: Model (who you are), trust (how you lead), and inspire (connect to why).

What was the speaker’s best quote?

  • “My passion is your potential.”
  • “Produce leaders who are best for the world.”

What are resources you will check out?

I can’t wait to tell my teachers about this idea:

  • A picture book to read: Mrs. Spritzer’s Garden. Every child needs different conditions to be successful
  • Morning meetings are a great time to celebrate authenticity and vulnerability

Notes by Tiffany L. Rehbein, principal of Bain Elementary School in Cheyenne, Wyoming.