Developing Healthy Habits in Kids that Last a Lifetime

Cold and flu season can be a challenging time for parents. This Report to Parents offers strategies families can use to help their kids develop healthy habits that last a lifetime.

Topics: Family and Stakeholder Engagement

Cold and flu season can be a challenging time for parents. With kids in close quarters at school, it can feel like germs are all around, at home and in the classroom. With the right strategies, you can help keep your family protected from illness-causing germs during the fall and winter seasons. Share this Report to Parents with your school families so they can help their kids develop healthy habits that last a lifetime.

How to Use

A pdf of this resource—created with your school families in mind—is available for download below in English and Spanish. It’s also available in a social media graphic in English and Spanish so you can easily share it with your school families in print, in your e-newsletter, on your website, or on social media.