Future-Ready Education: Navigating Tech, Fostering Critical Thinking, and Beyond with Steve Tozer 

In this episode, listeners will have the privilege of hearing insights from Steve Tozer, Professor Emeritus, as we explore the practical aspects of integrating technology, fostering inclusivity, and driving growth through collaborative leadership in modern education.

Topics: Health and Wellness, Middle Level, Principal Pipeline, Professional Learning, Student Engagement

“Success is a much better learning platform than failure. Yes, we have to fail sometimes, but a steady diet of failure means that kids aren’t going to consider life long learning to be a part of their toolkit.”

Dr. Steve Tozer

In this episode, listeners will have the privilege of hearing insights from Steve Tozer, Professor Emeritus, as he explores the practical aspects of integrating technology, fostering inclusivity, and driving growth through collaborative leadership in modern education.

Hosted by NAESP member, author, and keynote speaker Adam Welcome, NAESP Leadership Conversations is a new way to bring you professional learning and in-depth conversations from thought leaders in the field. Through these conversations, you’ll learn strategies to do your job better with more satisfaction, collaboration, and flexibility and gain tools you can use daily.

 Top Takeaways:

  1. Embrace Collaborative Strategies: Educators should seek guidance and collaboration from districts and peers when navigating technological advancements, recognizing the limitations of individual efforts.
  2. Continuous Learning Journey: Professional learning and technology integration present ongoing challenges; seeking resources and engaging in conversations are essential for growth.
  3. Critical Thinking Enhancement: Combatting disinformation requires cultivating critical thinking skills in students, emphasizing not only logic and evidence but also fostering a sense of belonging and safety in schools.
  4. Community-Centric Approach: School leaders should prioritize instructional leadership and community engagement, effectively communicating the school’s vision and leveraging external resources for the benefit of students.
  5. Adapting to Changing Job Markets: While we can’t predict the future job market, educators can broaden educational goals to encompass citizenship, work readiness, and personal development, fostering adaptability in students.
  6. Inclusive Learning Environments: Creating inclusive spaces involves aligning school design with inclusive principles, focusing on asset-based approaches, and ensuring students see themselves reflected and welcomed in the learning environment.
  7. Community Engagement in Education: Engaging the community in mutual education requires respect, transparency about educational goals, and clear communication about the purpose behind school initiatives.
  8. Balancing Success and Failure: While failure can be a valuable learning experience, a balanced approach that emphasizes success is essential for maintaining students’ desire to learn and grow.
  9. Shared Leadership in Education: Principal preparation programs should emphasize instructional leadership and staff development, recognizing community values as an integral part of school authority.
  10. Continuous Professional Growth: Teachers and educators should recognize the importance of ongoing collaboration and learning, leveraging resources to enhance their critical thinking skills and adapt to evolving educational landscapes.

Reflection Questions:

  • How can educators effectively leverage collaborative strategies to navigate technological advancements and address the evolving needs of students?
  • In what ways can schools foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development to meet the ongoing challenges of integrating technology into education?
  • Reflecting on the concept of critical thinking enhancement, how can educators ensure that students not only develop logical reasoning skills but also feel a sense of belonging and safety within the learning environment?
  • Considering the importance of community engagement in education, how can schools cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with external stakeholders while maintaining transparency and respect?
  • How can educators strike a balance between encouraging students to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and providing them with the support and resources they need to achieve success?