Use Title IV Funds for Academic Enrichment and Mental Health Services, Not Guns

NAESP statement on proposal to allow gun purchases and firearm training for educators with funds appropriated under Title IV, Part A of ESSA.

NAESP statement on U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s proposal to allow gun purchases and firearm training for educators with funds appropriated under Title IV, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act:

“While there are many allowable uses for Title IV (the Student Support and Academic Enrichment program), purchasing guns for educators is not one of them. Allowing funds for this purpose runs counter to the very spirit of the program and does not advance Title IV’s intended goals. The focus of Title IV should remain on providing support to districts and schools to improve access to mental health, student well-being issues, as well as other important priorities like ensuring a well-rounded education for students through the expansion of arts, music, and STEM programs.”