Powerful 2-Minute Positive Walkthroughs: Elevate Instruction, Provide Coaching, and Build Relations

Session notes from “Powerful 2-Minute Positive Walkthroughs,” led by Sarah Fillion.

What was the speaker’s main messages?

Classroom walkthroughs can be manageable and extremely beneficial to school culture and teacher instruction. Proactive strategies can support principals to avoid typical daily obstacles which often hinder classroom walkthroughs. 

What were the top ideas from the session?

The Why behind walkthroughs:

  • If you believe in creating safe spaces for students to learn, then be in the classrooms to see it in action. 
  • Creates a culture in schools that academics and being safe is important. 
  • Says, “I’ll be here for you.”
  • Shows everyone is expected to always be growing. 

The When behind walkthroughs:

  • Be in each classroom a couple of times a week. 
  • Block time in calendar.
  • 20-30 minutes total.
  • Vary time of day you are in each room. 

The How behind walkthroughs:

  • 2 minutes or less per classroom.
  • Make sure teachers know ahead of time exactly what you will be observing.
  • Leave a marker that you have been there.

What is one strategy you will implement immediately?

Communicate to staff the expectations of walkthroughs and the boundaries to protect the time to be in classrooms. 

What is one strategy that will help with instructional leadership?

Visit often, leave a positive note every time, and use the data to improve individual and group instructional performance. 

What is one resource you will check out?

Positive School Solutions

I can’t wait to tell my teachers about this idea:

Simple, positive, focused ways to improve instruction using classroom walkthroughs.

Notes by Tiffany L. Rehbein, principal of Bain Elementary School in Cheyenne, Wyoming.