What’s New in 2023?

As the new year begins, we wanted to take one last whimsical look back at the year that just ended and what is on the horizon for 2023.

As the new year begins, we wanted to take one last whimsical look back at the year that just ended and what is on the horizon for 2023. So say one last goodbye, or good riddance, to the year gone by of higher prices, hours on hold trying unsuccessfully to buy concert tickets, and crypto-mania, and say hello to the promise of pollution-free energy, generational change in the House of Representatives’ leadership, and evolving options in post-secondary education.

Your new year advocacy resolutions should include researching your newly elected legislators to learn more about their positions and background or to help refresh your memory if they were re-elected; compile information about your school’s use of emergency COVID funding and share it with us via this tool; and wait until February to contact congressional offices after staff hiring has been completed and committee assignments finalized.

Happy New Year! Here’s to a productive 2023!

David Griffith is associate executive director, Policy and Advocacy, at NAESP.