NAESP Twitter Chat: Strategies for Women in Leadership to Strengthen Self-Trust

Self-trust in leadership as a woman is key to your success. If this doesn’t come naturally to you, know that you’re not alone. In this Twitter chat, hosted by NAESP Center for Women in Leadership fellows Dr. Andrea Thompson and Jessica Gomez, we’ll explore how to create a psychologically safe environment, address stereotypes, own your story, and overcome imposter syndrome—all strategies that will set you up to thrive as a woman in school leadership. Join us at #NAESPchat on Twitter on Wednesday, March 23 at 8 p.m. ET.

About #NAESPchat

Every second Wednesday of the month, NAESP hosts a Twitter chat for principals, assistant principals, and aspiring principals. Using a Q-and-A format, we ask leaders in education to share what works for them in their schools on a particular topic. This discussion serves as a way to help leaders learn new strategies and tips, too. Use #NAESPchat to participate (and be sure to look back on previous chats to hear what other leaders in your shoes have had to say).