Webinar Wednesday: Bold Action For Challenging Times: Intensify Your Leadership!

During these volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous times, take a moment to intensify your leadership by making a commitment to your role as dreamer, architect, innovator, and change mediator. Maximize your leadership capacity by breaking away from the narrow task of instructional leader and move toward your role as education leader. Enhance your leadership with renewed competence and confidence. Bold action for challenging times demands answers to these critical questions:

  • As dreamer, how can you lead collectively with purpose and vision?
  • As architect, how can you build highly effective teams by avoiding trust busters and implementing trust builders and boosters?
  • As innovator, how do you inspire others to ask what can be rather than accept what is?
  • As change mediator, how do you peel back the illusion that most teachers are resisting change?

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