U.S. Department of Education Pilots “Flexibility for Equitable Per-pupil Funding”

The flexibility relieves many of the Federal requirements related to allocation, use and reporting for those eligible Federal funds.

Does your district currently use or plan to use “student-centered” or “weighted-student” funding? Is your district interested in rethinking the traditional ways that Federal funds are allocated and used? Is your district committed to allocating more resources to students with demonstrably higher need?

The U.S. Department of Education is accepting applications for up to 50 school districts to participate in a pilot program that offers flexibility to include eligible Federal funds along with State and local dollars in a student-centered funding system. The pilot program is a bipartisan initiative that was authorized by ESSA. The flexibility relieves many of the Federal requirements related to allocation, use and reporting for those eligible Federal funds.

Under a local flexibility demonstration agreement, an LEA may use the Federal funds allocated through its system flexibly, provided it meets the purposes of each Federal education program supported by the consolidated Federal funds.

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