4 Resources on Flipped Communication

Communicator April 2015, Volume 38, Issue 8 If you’re not flipping communication yet, you should be. That’s the sentiment expressed by former principal and flipping enthusiast, Peter DeWitt.

April 2015, Volume 38, Issue 8

If you’re not flipping communication yet, you should be. That’s the sentiment expressed by former principal and flipping enthusiast, Peter DeWitt.

But what exactly is flipping communication? And how can principals leverage it? Flipping communication is about maximizing face-to-face time by leveraging time away from the group, a technique that can be done with students, parents, or with staff. In the most common scenarios, a teacher or principal records a video that covers background information—anything that can be consumed and understood at home. Then, class or meeting time can build on that knowledge, without devoting precious time to go over the kind of information that can be easily consumed and digested at home. As a result, meetings and class time are reserved for interactive discussions and activities.

In the spirit of flipped communication, here are three ways to better understand the concept before you attend Peter DeWitt’s pre-conference session on connected leadership at NAESP’s 2015 Annual Conference in Long Beach. In his full-day workshop, DeWitt will take participants on a learning journey of the flipped leadership method. He will cover topics from engaging with all stakeholders in a school community to becoming connected on Twitter to using an edcamp model of professional development, and everything in between.


Gear up for the session with these resources:

  1. On the flipping concept: Read Erin Simpson’s book review of Flipping Leadership Doesn’t Mean Reinventing the Wheel.
  1. On flipping with parents: Read Abi Van Regenmorter’s notes about flipping leadership from Peter DeWitt’s session at the 2014 NAESP Conference in Nashville. The session summary includes five basics of flipped communication.
  1. On building a network with Twitter: Read about Delaware principal Jenny Nauman’s experience of becoming a connected educator at NAESP’s annual conference. She provides five easy steps to growing a professional learning network.
  2. On planning an Edcamp: Read “Edcamps & Unconferences” from the Principal magazine archives.

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