4 Writing Activities to Inspire Kids’ Creativity at Home

When kids write, they gain confidence in their writing and their reading comprehension grows, too. Here’s how kids can practice writing in creative, personalized ways to make their writing meaningful—and prompts to get them started.

Topics: Family and Stakeholder Engagement

Summer—or any break from school—is a great time to encourage kids to get creative with writing. When kids write, it helps them gain confidence in their writing, and their reading comprehension grows, too. This Report to Parents offers strategies kids can use to practice writing in creative, personalized ways to make their writing meaningful—and prompts to get them started. Share it with your school families.

How to Use

A pdf of this resource—created with your school families in mind—is available for download below in English and Spanish. It’s also available in a social media graphic in English and Spanish so you can easily share it with your school families in print, in your e-newsletter, on your website, or on social media.