Bringing New Strategies Into the School Year, Pt. 2

More practices, strategies, and approaches that principals can bring with them into the school year.

Topics: Principal Leadership

In part two of our conversation on back-to-school approaches from NAESP’s annual conference, Danny Bauer is joined by principals Carmen Maring, Ginny Gills, and Loren Brody to discuss more strategies for success as they begin their school year. Whether it’s being present in their practice, emphasizing their own growth, or prioritizing the right kinds of work, they have plenty to share with one another and their fellow school leaders.

Carmen Maring, Ed.D. is principal of Gull Lake Middle School in Richland, Michigan, and serves as the NAESP Director at Large, Middle-Level.

Ginny Gills principal of Cumberland County Elementary School in Cumberland, Virginia, and serves on the Virginia Association of Elementary School Principals Board of Directors.

Loren Brody serves as an elementary school principal in Alexandria, Virginia.

Danny Bauer is a principal retention development expert, best-selling author, and host of the Better Leader, Better Schools podcast.