Building Social and Emotional Skills at Home

Educators help students learn all sorts of new things, including social and emotional skills. These six strategies can help your school families bridge social-emotional learning from the classroom to the home.

Topics: Social Emotional Learning, Health and Wellness, Family and Stakeholder Engagement, Student Engagement

Educators help students learn all sorts of new things, including social and emotional skills. Social-emotional learning helps kids:

  • Develop healthy identities;
  • Manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals;
  • Feel and show empathy for others;
  • Establish and maintain supportive relationships; and
  • Make responsible and caring decisions.

Share this Report to Parents with your school families so they can bridge social-emotional learning from the classroom to the home.

How to Use

A pdf of this resource—created with your school families in mind—is available for download below in English and Spanish. It’s also available in a social media graphic in English and Spanish so you can easily share it with your school families in print, in your e-newsletter, on your website, or on social media.