Bulletin Board: Strengthen

School equity audit, new website launch, and National Outstanding Assistant Principals.

Perform a School Equity Audit

Do you want to perform an equity audit of your school but don’t know how to get started? NAESP is proud to share the release of an updated version of the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (MAEC) Equity Audit. The audit tool was revised in 2021 based on research and feedback from practitioners, including members of NAESP’s Task Force on Race and Equity. It also reflects the new realities faced by schools due to COVID-19.

MAEC’s Equity Audit consists of three component tools designed as questionnaires for school leaders, educators, and staff to assess whether or not their schools and classrooms are equitable across various criteria.

The three questionnaires are:

  • Criteria for an Equitable School;
  • Criteria for an Equitable Classroom; and
  • Teacher Behaviors That Encourage Student Persistence.

The audit is intended to help school staff develop a more concrete understanding of what it means to practice equity, and reflect on whether current school policies, procedures, and practices at each level are equitable.

Download the tool at maec.org/equity-audit.

All the Resources You Need at www.naesp.org

NAESP is dedicated to supporting your professional growth, and our new website is designed to do just that. This year has shown us that principals need quick access to the latest professional resources and guidance. Keep up with education research, best practices, and advocacy updates at naesp.org.

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Log in to the NAESP website and check your member profile to ensure that we have your correct email address. We don’t want you to miss a beat. Contact NAESP Membership with questions at 703-684-3345 or membership@naesp.org.

Outstanding Assistant Principals

NAESP is proud to honor 22 assistant principals as members of the 2021 class of National Outstanding Assistant Principals. NAESP is committed to supporting elementary and middle-​level assistant principals, and part of that commitment is recognizing assistant principals for their contributions to their school communities.

Nominated by peers in their states, recipients of this award are practicing assistant principals with at least two years’ experience in the role who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and have set high standards for students, colleagues, parents, and the community. Learn more at naesp.org/programs/recognition/noap.


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