Champions For Education: Michael Fullan Edition

Our NAESP 2019 Pre-K-8 Principals Conference speakers—Razia Jan, Michael Fullan, and Kwame Alexander—share why they're passionate about education.

Our NAESP 2019 Pre-K-8 Principals Conference speakers—Razia Jan, Michael Fullan, and Kwame Alexander—share why they’re passionate about education.
February 2019, Volume 42, Issue 6

The NAESP 2019 Pre-K-8 Principals Conference, July 10-12 in Spokane, Washington, is the only national Pre-K-8 level conference focused on what principals should know and be able to do to drive student success. We’ve lined up three topnotch keynote speakers—Razia Jan, Michael Fullan, and Kwame Alexander.

Over the next few months, we’re giving you the chance to get to know our speakers a little bit better. Find out what makes them passionate about education and where they see the future of education heading. Plus, they’ve shared with us their answers to some rapid fire questions about what they wanted to be when they grew up, their go-to books, and more.

This edition features Michael Fullan, global leadership director, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning.

What is the concept of deep learning?

Quality learning that sticks with you for the rest of your life. Learning that engages the world and changes the world. Learning that focuses on the 6 Cs of Deep Learning—character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.

How does deep learning tie into global competencies?

The 6 Cs of Deep Learning is the essence of the deep learning focus and outcomes.

What’s the biggest issue facing school leaders today?

Boredom and alienation of students; increasing anxiety and stress among all groups of students and adults, and a growing inequity gap.

Which educator had the most impact on you during your school years, and why did he or she leave a lasting impression?

My sixth, seventh, and eight grade teacher (yes, same teacher for three years) named Sister St. Leo.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A hockey player.

What was your favorite subject in school?


What was your favorite book as a child? As an adult?

Not highbrow, but sports novels starring Chip Hilton (in the 50s). Nowadays, I read history books and biographies.

What unconventional topic do you wish students could learn as a subject in school, and why?

More a theme than a topic, but how to learn about the world as you think about improving it.

What He’ll Speak About at #NAESP19

It has become increasingly evident that current schooling falls far short of preparing students for the present let alone the future. Recent research has revealed that students and teachers respond best by focusing on “global competencies.” Accompanying this new emphasis is transformational pedagogy that enables students and teachers to engage the world and change the world as they learn. As learners and educators become change agents, deep learning attracts all students, but it is especially meaningful for students who are disconnected from regular schooling. Thus inequity is attacked directly with increasingly impressive results. This enlightening keynote will provide concrete examples of these new developments in action and identify the essential leadership traits for deep learning to flourish.

To learn more about Michael and the other speakers, go to the conference website.

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