Encourage Healthy Habits this Holiday Season

After last year’s holiday season that was anything but usual, Lysol and NAESP are very much looking forward to the special moments to come this time of the year. However, it’s important to remember the holiday months are also the start of cold and flu season. With many people planning to celebrate with friends and […]

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After last year’s holiday season that was anything but usual, Lysol and NAESP are very much looking forward to the special moments to come this time of the year. However, it’s important to remember the holiday months are also the start of cold and flu season. With many people planning to celebrate with friends and family, make sure practicing healthy habits in schools remains top of mind for students and faculty as we near holiday and winter festivities.

Keep the following tips in mind to prepare your students for fun celebrations:

  • Keep Germs Outside of the Classroom: One of the best ways to help slow the spread of seasonal, illness-causing germs is to remain home if you are sick. The flu is most contagious during the first three days of illness, so encourage your school community to take the necessary precautions if they suspect they have the flu.
  • Wash your Hands: Taking the recommended twenty seconds to wash your hands will go a long way in helping to prevent the spread of illness-causing germs. Promote proper hand washing in school and it can make an impact on children’s habits throughout this holiday season.
  • Disinfect High-Touch Classroom Surfaces: Lysol Disinfecting Wipes make it easy to clean and disinfect surfaces at home and in classrooms. Disinfect frequently touched areas from desks to door handles as directed to help protect your school from the spread of germs.
  • Support the Kinsa FLUency Program: Consider applying for the Kinsa FLUency program, an early detection program for illness in schools across the country, sponsored by Lysol. While cold and flu begin to peak during the holiday season, participating schools will receive free Lysol Disinfecting Wipes and Kinsa smart thermometers courtesy of Lysol that help notify school nurses and officials, as well as parents, of illness levels and trends within the school community.

For more information and resources on healthy habits, please visit Lysol.com/HERE or sign up for updates here. Wishing you and your students a happy and healthy holiday season!