Episode 13: How Principals Can Leverage Community Schools to Boost Health and Social Services, and Academic Outcomes for Students

In this episode, we sit down with community school experts to learn more about the community school model and how it encourages partnerships between the school and other community resources. We also discuss how principals who utilize the community school model boost academics, health and social services, youth and community development and community engagement, leading to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities.


  • Mary Kingston Roche, director of public policy, Coalition for Community schools
  • Gwendolyn Unoko, community school coordinator, Calvin M. Rodwell Elementary Middle School (Baltimore)
  • Samuel Rather, principal, Calvin M. Rodwell Elementary Middle School (Baltimore)

In this episode, we sit down with Mary, Gwendolyn, and Samuel to learn more about the community school model and how community schools encourages partnerships between the school and other community resources. We also discuss how principals who utilize the community school model boost academics, health and social services, youth and community development and community engagement, leading to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities.