Let’s Talk Digital Learning

The Twitter Chat Series on Digital Learning will occur every Tues. in October at 8 p.m. ET.

September, 2016, Volume 40, Issue 1

Join NAESP and social media-savvy principals from across the country for four weekly Twitter events this October. To celebrate National Principals Month, we’re hosting Twitter chats each Tuesday evening from 8-8:45 p.m. EDT at #ThankAPrincipal.

This is an excellent way to share resources and learn from your colleagues on the topics that matter, including supporting teachers use of technology, creating digital portfolios for all students, and integrating coding into the general education curriculum.

New to Twitter? After you create an account, just type in #ThankAPrincipal and join the conversation. We can’t wait to meet you.

Below is the lineup of topics and facilitators:

  • October 4: “Leading Teachers & Technology in Early Grades” with Jessica Cabeen, principal, Woodson Kindergarten Center; Austin, Minnesota.
  • October 11: “Using Padlet for Instant Feedback” with Carrie McWIlliams, principal, Times Square K12 Charter School; Providence, Rhode Island.
  • October 18: “How to Merge Coding with General Ed” with John Beeck, Principal, Loess Hills Specialty School; Sioux City, Iowa.
  • October 25: “Digital Portfolios for All Students” with Kimberly Hill, principal, Leila G. Davis Elementary School; Clearwater, Florida.

Visit the National Principals Month website to discover more professional learning and celebratory activities.

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