"Managing Virtual Learning Stress" - Social Media Graphic

Manage Virtual Learning Stress

As schools across the country are conducting schoolwork remotely, many children are forced to deal with what some call “Zoom fatigue.” Whatever the virtual platform they use, maintaining focus, eliminating distractions, and coping with self-consciousness presents new challenges and takes its toll on students.

Topics: Pandemic Leadership, Innovation, Mental Health and Safety, Family and Stakeholder Engagement, Student Engagement

As schools across the country are conducting schoolwork remotely, many children are forced to deal with what some call “Zoom fatigue.” Whatever the virtual platform they use, maintaining focus, eliminating distractions, and coping with self-consciousness presents new challenges and takes its toll on students.

“Managing Virtual Learning Stress” can help students proactively be more engaged and manage this fatigue. Available in English, Spanish, and as a sharable social media graphic.