Membership Corner: Survey, Faces of NAESP

Communicator August 2016, Volume 39, Issue 12 2016 NAESP Membership Survey Coming Soon We know that you’re super busy right now with back-to-school activities. But please be on the lookout for the 2016 NAESP Membership Survey, coming soon to your email inbox. Your input is extremely important as it helps to shape future NAESP product and service offerings.

August 2016, Volume 39, Issue 12

2016 NAESP Membership Survey Coming Soon

We know that you’re super busy right now with back-to-school activities. But please be on the lookout for the 2016 NAESP Membership Survey, coming soon to your email inbox. Your input is extremely important as it helps to shape future NAESP product and service offerings.

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. And as a token of our appreciation for completing the survey, you will receive a digital copy of “Inspire!,” a collection of favorite quotes for elementary and middle level prinicpals. Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Show us your Amazing Faces!

What defines your NAESP membership experience? Is it connecting with others? Is it access to NAESP’s cutting-edge information and discovering ways to bring technology into your school? Do you have a story to tell about our award-winning Principal magazine? What about our legal/liability insurance coverage, which protects you from the unknown, or our one-of-a-kind professional development opportunities?

We want to hear from you. In 100 words or less, tell us how NAESP has influenced the way you lead students and manage staff, or helped you better connect with families and your community. Tell us how NAESP has helped to make your school so GREAT!

Here’s how:

  1. Log onto the NAESP website (using your member login) and go to:
  2. Submit your name, school, state (or country) and write a few sentences about your experience with NAESP. (Don’t worry if you can’t remember when you became a member—we can fill that out for you.)
  3. Upload a photo of yourself (preferably with you and kids or teachers). It can be a formal headshot or a casual selfie (jpg format is preferred).

Voila! Your story will be published on the “Faces of NAESP” website. It’s that easy.

Tips for Best Pics

  • Be creative and let your photo tell “Your NAESP Story!”
  • Do not send us a low res or poor quality photo.
  • Please face the camera; we want to see you!

Copyright © 2016. National Association of Elementary School Principals. No part of the articles in NAESP magazines, newsletters, or website may be reproduced in any medium without the permission of the National Association of Elementary School Principals. For more information, view NAESP’s reprint policy.