National COVID-19 School Response Dashboard

School leaders share how COVID-19 is affecting their schools and strategies to keep students safe.

Topics: Pandemic Leadership

Plain and simple: We need more data on how COVID-19 is affecting schools, and we need this information from principals like you who are leading school reopening plans. As you kick off the 2020-21 school year, we encourage you to participate in a first-of-its-kind nationwide effort called the National COVID-19 School Response Dashboard.

As of Sept. 23, the dashboard is live, meaning school leaders across the country are reporting their confirmed and suspected cases of coronavirus—anonymously and in real time—and the safety strategies they’re using.

How You Can Participate

Better data on COVID-19 in schools during this uncertain period is key to keeping students and staff safe. Though the dashboard has launched, principals or their school districts can still take part in the data entry process on a rolling basis. We know principals are busy, so the data entry process will be straightforward and quick. The baseline survey should take no more than 15 minutes, and the biweekly surveys will take only a few minutes to complete.

To protect privacy, any publicly posted data will be identified only at the county-level. In addition, participating schools will be provided with feedback illustrating the situation in their school along with the ability to see comparisons to other schools.

Next Steps

  1. Enroll by completing the baseline survey. (If you would like to encourage your district to enroll in this effort, please forward them this email. They can enroll their overall district at this link.)
  2.  Keep track of the data coming in on the National COVID-19 School Response Dashboard.

This effort is a collaboration among NAESP; AASA, The School Superintendents Association; the National Association of Secondary School Principals; Brown University Professor of Economics Emily Oster; and Qualtrics, the experience management company.