Top Tips for Presentations

By Lynmara Colόn Communicator June 2015, Volume 38, Issue 10

By Lynmara Colόn
June 2015, Volume 38, Issue 10

All presenters strive to do their best to engage their audience. However, sometimes anxiety can derail their presentations. Jim Gran’ts NAESP webinar, Tips & Tactics for a Dynamic Presentation, provides strategies for reducing the stress that delivering a presentation can bring. If done well, the message will be communicated effectively and participants will leave satisfied and ready to make use of the information learned.

According to Grant, the essential component to delivering a great message is to keep engagement as the top priority. This comes with being well prepared with the topic and being confident about it. If you love the topic, show it. Let them know you have invested a lot of time preparing to share the information for them. Get your audience excited.

Engagement also is achieved through storytelling. The best presenters have the ability to relate to their audience by sharing stories that are similar to what audience members are currently experiencing. Being a good storyteller, while connecting with your audience, has proved to be a great presentation strategy. The goal should be to give them information they can apply as soon as they walk out of the presentation.

While engagement is your overall goal, here are other presentation tips:

  • Be conscious of any nonverbal cues you’re giving. Nonverbal cues can have a negative impact on the overall presentation.
  • Always have additional material to share with your audience in case technology fails or attendees have further questions.
  • Practice relaxation techniques to reduce your anxiety.
  • Always prepare in advance. Being familiar with the message exudes confidence and reduces anxiety.
  • Be authentic.
  • Get familiar with the equipment you will be using.
  • Ask others for feedback.
  • Be confident.
  • Respect attendees’ time.

Lynmara Colόn is principal of Mary Williams Elementary School in Dumfries, Virginia.

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