Web Resources: November/December 2014

Better Together

Better Together

Inspired Instructional Coaching

  • The Kansas Coaching Project website hosts research and resources on coaching, including forms, videos, and articles on best practices.
  • Visit NAESP’s National Principals Resource Center to find books useful for instructional coaching, such as John Hattie’s Visible Learning series.
  • The Teaching Channel features a video library offers educators a wide range of subjects for grades K-12, including a video that highlights innovative coaching models.

Multiply Teacher Talent

Edcamps & Unconferences

  • Visit the Edcamp Foundation for a complete list of upcoming Edcamps, along with tips for starting one.

Blended Learning for Early Learners

Principals and Teachers Collaborate for Student Success

  • Listen to this entire interview on NAESP Radio.
  • Visit NAESP’s website to learn about NAESP’s advocacy program and priorities, including recommendations for reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
  • Learn more about the Principal Ambassador Fellowship program on the Department of Education’s website.
  • “Setting a Vision for Change Leadership,” from the Principal archives, provides perspectives from four principals on the challenges and triumphs of leading their schools through shifts.