April Smith

Lee County Middle School West
Leesburg, Georgia

Best Practices

1) Instructional Leader: I feel like I’m cutting a corner by selecting this category since I am the API, but being the instructional leader is what I do best in my job capacity. I enjoy conducting data analysis, leading professional development, visiting classrooms, monitoring student progress, meeting with parents, and acting in an instructional support role. Prior to this position being created, it felt like there was a lack in direction regarding instructional expectations and I have thoroughly enjoyed being the person to filter and relay guidance to teachers. I love being able to help them so that they have more time to focus on what the need to be highly effective classroom instructors.

2) School Improvement: I jokingly say that my hobbies include reading, fishing, and school improvement, but there is more than a grain of truth to it. I enjoy the process of ongoing progress monitoring of systems to ensure effectiveness, I genuinely like reviewing feedback from stakeholders regarding processes, and I love knowing that we are on the right path for kids. The school improvement plan for every school should be a living document that is frequently revisited and monitored for fidelity of implementation. While success is frequently in the details, I recognize the importance of determining the most important things to work on in a school and maintaining focus on the big picture through implementation of the school improvement plan.