Jennifer A. Stockbridge

Colegio Franklin D. Roosevelt, The American School of Lima
Department of State – Peru
Lima, Peru

Jennifer A. Stockbridge has served as principal of Colegio Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), The American School of Lima, Peru, for four years, having previously taught and served as a site administrator at American schools in the Dominican Republic and the United Arab Emirates. While no educator was spared the destabilizing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Peru experienced some of the most strict and lengthy lockdown measures of any country, requiring Stockbridge to design multiple iterations of distance learning, then hybrid learning, and finally a gradual return to in-person learning. Impressively, FDR students returned on solid academic and social-emotional foundations, and Stockbridge remains steadfast in her approach to school improvement. She recently facilitated a reorganization of student services with the goal of synergizing the efforts of previously siloed specialist teams. While still in the early stages of implementation, Stockbridge hopes common teaching blocks, stronger collaboration, and increased administrative support will help unify the school’s approach to planning for, delivering, and monitoring the success of instructional interventions. Without the limitations of lockdown, Stockbridge is eager to expand real-world learning opportunities by replicating the success of a partnership she established in the Dominican Republic engaging students and a local organization in coral reef restoration. Stockbridge holds a B.A. in Music and Education from St. Olaf College, an M.S. in Educational Leadership from the University of Oregon, and a Continuing Administrative License from Portland State University.