Jennifer Abrams

Jennifer Abrams, Communications Consultant.  Jennifer, formerly a high school English teacher and a new teacher coach, works with educators and others on new teacher and employee support, being generationally savvy, effective collaboration skills, having hard conversations, and creating identity safe workplaces. Jennifer’s publications include Having Hard ConversationsThe Multigenerational WorkplaceCommunicate, Collaborate & Create Community, and Hard Conversations Unpacked – the Whos, Whens and What Ifs.  Her upcoming book is tentatively titled Swimming in the Deep End: Four Essential Leadership Skills for Aspiring and Emerging Educational Leaders.  Jennifer was named one of the “18 Women All K-12 Educators Should Know,” featured in the blog ‘Finding Common Ground’’ from Education Week, and has also been awarded the International Educational Entrepreneur Award by the International Academy for Educational Entrepreneurs. More about Jennifer’s work can be found at her website,, and she can also be found on Twitter @jenniferabrams.